Monday, March 26, 2007

Wholesale and Drop Shipping Will Be the New Direction For Coolest Dude In the Universe

Well after getting my feet wet in the wholesale and drop shipping business I have decided that the coolest dude in the universe blog will now focus on exclusively internet marketing in its many different fashions whether its direct selling, mini sites, adsense, or SEM (Search Engine Marketing).

I will spend a significant amount of energy however on the wholesale and drop shipping business. I feel it presents the best opportunity for the average person to come online today and start earning money quickly on the internet via eBay.

In my opinion, without a doubt setting up an eBay auction with a solid product at a good price will turn into dollars in your pocket probably faster that anything else.

I will be posting regularly on this subject so stay tuned.

If your interested in making extra money, discover how drop shipping can make that easy visit also you can claim a free book on the secrets of selling on ebay with this free report 101 Auction Secrets Revealed