Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Simple Xbox 360 Ring of Red Light Easy Quick Fix
Because the Xbox was rushed to shoppers some design flaws made it by the quality control engineers. This unfortunate fact has caused grief for many that confront the dreaded red lights that are normally green.
These red lights illuminate in various different sequences, what they mean can vary, and how you can fix them can diverge as well.
Click Here To Find out more about the Xbox 360 Ring of Red Light
If you've had your Xbox for a while now and it's out of its warranty period you may have to come up with a different plan if you encounter the red lights on the front of the Xbox panel. You have a couple of choices really.
A.) Pay to ship your Xbox 360 back to Microsoft. Pay a hefty fee for repair. Then wait for it to come back. This can take weeks.
B.) Do it yourself. Sure you can find videos on Youtube that give you an idea of how to repair it. But how sure are you that you've gotten the right solution.
C.) Get a comprehensive book with videos that helps you diagnose the problem. Apply the right fix the first time. Do it without damaging you Xbox.
Personally, if it were me. C looks like a winner.
Why take the chance with something you hold so dear. This means that you can fix your console usually within in hour. You'll be back to playing great Xbox games. You'll be doing it safely. Best part is you'll be confident in what you are doing.
Click Here to Fix the Xbox 360 Ring of Red Light
Sunday, January 04, 2009
HP g60-230us Great For Most Everyone

The HP g60 230us is a great laptop and one that will fit most peoples needs. Trouble is it always seem that finding a perfect fit in laptops is like trying to buy new sneakers. They all start to look and fit alike after a while.
Finding a laptop with just enough power plus all the bells and whistles can be confusing. Usually you find a system that has this or that, but not exactly everything in one package for your personal taste.
Personally I use a desktop most of the time but after checking out this HP and messing around with this laptop at the store for a while I was pretty much sold.
The look and performance of this particular model seemed to be just right.
Kinda like Goldilocks. Not to hot not to cold, just right.
What I really liked was the size of the screen. I looked like it was a nice size in the store. When I got this baby home I was like W T F this thing is huge. I was happy about that.
It hums with a Intel processor and really does the job for anything that I’ve thrown at it so far.
All in all I thought it was a good decision to go with the The HP hp g60 230us. The battery life leaves something to be desired though. As always be sure to bring the cord with you so that you don’t have to rely on battery power.
For detail on the HP g60-230us Click Here