Saturday, November 21, 2009
Awesome Idea for Greenbean Casserole Alternative
So I was able to locate an new variation without to much trouble and it met the requirements that I was looking for.
1. It still uses green beans. Personally I like the French cut type in the can. If you use the frozen ones they tend to remain to crunchy and it doesn't taste right regardless of what type of green bean model you choose.
2. Instead of using mushroom soup, you use cheddar cheese soup.
3. Bring on the bacon bits.
4. Don't forget the Durke onions.
After bring these ingredients together and cooking it up in a new casserole it tasted amazing an literally was demolished by everyone. Almost makes me wish I hadn't brought out the new and improved GBC.
Either way I like it better and will be making it again in a few days.
If your looking for something different and would like to give it a try click the link above.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Taking The House Edge - Tips On How To Buy a Car
Through out the day today I have seen many people jump on this new book. Without a doubt many of us have had the unpleasant experience of having to sit down with those that work for a car dealership. Don't get me wrong those people that are selling cars for the most part are good honest hard working folks like the rest of us.

But the problem is that not all in the management chain are warm to the needs of the customer and whether or not they got a good deal. When I say a good deal I mean a good deal for the customer not necessarily for them.
You see the bottom line is that dealerships are so drunken with bleeding as much money out of the consumer they have it down to a science. They even design the places to make it difficult for you to leave once you get there. Everything is pre planned.
You simply show up wanting to purchase a new or used vehicle and the process starts in motion.
Ultimate you end up sitting in front of some finance guy or girl that runs number though their computers and spits out a payment that you can afford.
You see that is where you get lost in the whole thing because by the time you make it to that person you're worn out with salesman running back and forth and paper work and questions etc...
Using the Taking the House Edge gives you the inside track and you already know their next move before they make it. John has spelled it out completely in his book. The only thing that I really dislike about it is the cover is seems a little amateurish.
Outside of that it's loaded with tons of valuable information that you will want to have when you go for your next car purchase.
Don't take my word for it check out the Taking the House Edge for yourself click here to see for yourself.
Monday, March 30, 2009
N Scale Train Layouts - What To Do About N Scale Train Layouts Before It's Too Late!

The history of railroading also referred to as railway modeling is a very popular hobby where the transport system of train commuting is transformed into a mini fantasy world of scale or ratio reduced railway tracks, trains, signals and scenery, imitating a real-life road trip via a train. The first adaptations where rugged carpet railways which where exchanged for polished and life-like electric train layouts sets.
Simple beginnings: Great bench work is the basis for good track work. Make sure your work table or bench is vigorous and firm, made from thick lumber for the legs and frame and ½ inch plywood with some kind of rubberizing on top as noise insulation will suffice. You don't want to squander time and efforts by building your whole train set on a platform that breaks upon completion of your project. Keep in mind who your plan viewers will be, most probably small kids. You definitely don't want them to mess up all your hard work, so make sure the bench top is high enough.
Smoothness is everything: Remember smoothness is essential to the train rides' success. Smooth tracks will mean a smooth ride. While building your bench make 100% sure that it's level, even the smallest unevenness will show during the mini train ride. Fit track parts, switches and joints firmly and also check that the straights are straight as an arrow.
Free flow: Pick a spot where your plan will start, either a curve or bridge. Have your rails naturally flow from there. Place railway sections in the directions you want the rails to lead. Do not use a large number of screws as you will have to unscrew them all if any modifications or changes are necessary. Let the layout develop, mount a few more screws and do a trial run run. Please remember to do wiring and leading before eventual mounting is done.
Everyone join: Call friends and family to help with the constructing of the train layouts. You never know what plan genius is hidden next door or in your kitchen.
You can easily design your own model train layouts. For more tips and tricks on planning the ultimate n scale train layouts visit
The CDITU Site Is Whatever I Want It To Be About!
With that being said I have decided that while I am always willing and able to provide advice for those that would like to start blogging for the express reason of putting some coin in their pocket then I'm right here and willing to give a hand.
But the Coolest Dude in The Universe site was really just an experiment with SEO and nothing more. I found a term that had really low competition and wanted to see how quickly a Blogger Blog would rank for a non competitive phrase.
So what did I find out?
Well the proof is in the pudding so to speak.
Google obviously has many different criteria about what they consider relevant to a search query but this blog makes it painfully obvious that when you search for the term coolest dude in the universe in Google, this site is the number one ranking and has been for years. That's right years.
As of today I own the term.
Here are somethings that I know for sure.
1. I was the first person in the entire planet to claim the term Google knows that so they give me what I would consider the benefit of the doubt when ranking me.
2. I have been posting regularly and when I say regularly I mean sometime during the year. Not everyday or week or month.
3. Not everything on this site is relevant to being Coolest Dude in The Universe.
4. I've noticed that others have tried to take the term away from me by going to the extreme of actually purchasing a coolestdudeintheuniverse domain name. Why?
I wasn't even trying it was just a test.
And so you have it others are wanting to be the CDiTU but it's just me.
Now that I've gotten that out of the way. I have come to the conclusion that since Google does like this site and has provided me with a number 1 ranking I will start posting about a lot more different topics in order to promote my own agenda.
So stay tuned for a wide variety of topics coming from The CDiTU site
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Simple Xbox 360 Ring of Red Light Easy Quick Fix
Because the Xbox was rushed to shoppers some design flaws made it by the quality control engineers. This unfortunate fact has caused grief for many that confront the dreaded red lights that are normally green.
These red lights illuminate in various different sequences, what they mean can vary, and how you can fix them can diverge as well.
Click Here To Find out more about the Xbox 360 Ring of Red Light
If you've had your Xbox for a while now and it's out of its warranty period you may have to come up with a different plan if you encounter the red lights on the front of the Xbox panel. You have a couple of choices really.
A.) Pay to ship your Xbox 360 back to Microsoft. Pay a hefty fee for repair. Then wait for it to come back. This can take weeks.
B.) Do it yourself. Sure you can find videos on Youtube that give you an idea of how to repair it. But how sure are you that you've gotten the right solution.
C.) Get a comprehensive book with videos that helps you diagnose the problem. Apply the right fix the first time. Do it without damaging you Xbox.
Personally, if it were me. C looks like a winner.
Why take the chance with something you hold so dear. This means that you can fix your console usually within in hour. You'll be back to playing great Xbox games. You'll be doing it safely. Best part is you'll be confident in what you are doing.
Click Here to Fix the Xbox 360 Ring of Red Light
Sunday, January 04, 2009
HP g60-230us Great For Most Everyone

The HP g60 230us is a great laptop and one that will fit most peoples needs. Trouble is it always seem that finding a perfect fit in laptops is like trying to buy new sneakers. They all start to look and fit alike after a while.
Finding a laptop with just enough power plus all the bells and whistles can be confusing. Usually you find a system that has this or that, but not exactly everything in one package for your personal taste.
Personally I use a desktop most of the time but after checking out this HP and messing around with this laptop at the store for a while I was pretty much sold.
The look and performance of this particular model seemed to be just right.
Kinda like Goldilocks. Not to hot not to cold, just right.
What I really liked was the size of the screen. I looked like it was a nice size in the store. When I got this baby home I was like W T F this thing is huge. I was happy about that.
It hums with a Intel processor and really does the job for anything that I’ve thrown at it so far.
All in all I thought it was a good decision to go with the The HP hp g60 230us. The battery life leaves something to be desired though. As always be sure to bring the cord with you so that you don’t have to rely on battery power.
For detail on the HP g60-230us Click Here