Through out the day today I have seen many people jump on this new book. Without a doubt many of us have had the unpleasant experience of having to sit down with those that work for a car dealership. Don't get me wrong those people that are selling cars for the most part are good honest hard working folks like the rest of us.

But the problem is that not all in the management chain are warm to the needs of the customer and whether or not they got a good deal. When I say a good deal I mean a good deal for the customer not necessarily for them.
You see the bottom line is that dealerships are so drunken with bleeding as much money out of the consumer they have it down to a science. They even design the places to make it difficult for you to leave once you get there. Everything is pre planned.
You simply show up wanting to purchase a new or used vehicle and the process starts in motion.
Ultimate you end up sitting in front of some finance guy or girl that runs number though their computers and spits out a payment that you can afford.
You see that is where you get lost in the whole thing because by the time you make it to that person you're worn out with salesman running back and forth and paper work and questions etc...
Using the Taking the House Edge gives you the inside track and you already know their next move before they make it. John has spelled it out completely in his book. The only thing that I really dislike about it is the cover is seems a little amateurish.
Outside of that it's loaded with tons of valuable information that you will want to have when you go for your next car purchase.
Don't take my word for it check out the Taking the House Edge for yourself click here to see for yourself.
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